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10 reasons to IN'JOY Moscow:  

1. THE CAPITAL OF THE LARGEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, THE LARGEST CITY OF RUSSIA: Moscow with the population of more than 11 millions is also the largest metropolitan area in Europe and ranks among largest urban areas in the world.

2. THE MAJOR CENTER of politics, economics, finances, culture, religion, science, education and communication of Russia and the world - a global city - with its numerous of huge congress, exhibition and business centers .

3. THE EASIEST ACCESSIBILITY: direct flights from all major European cities which take less than 3 hours.

4. THE CITY OF CONTRADICTIONS: mixture of a cosmopolitan megalopolis, Russian ancient village with its "City of the Golden Domes" and the empire of the Soviet Cold War epoch.

5. MAJESTIC ARCHITECTURAL ENSAMBLE OF THE KREMLIN with its residence of Russian President - Grand Kremlin Palace - the former Tsar's Moscow residence.

6.  THE MOTHERLAND OF THE FAMOUS RUSSIAN CIRCUS: Since 18th century, the circus has played an important role in the rich cultural traditions of Russia. It is regarded as an art form on a par with the ballet or opera, a showcase for highly skilled and creative artists.

7. THE ILLUSTRIOUS MOSCOW METRO - so-called "Underground Palace" - the world's second most heavily used rapid-transit system. Opened in 1935, it is well known for the ornate design of many of its stations, which comprises outstanding instances of socialist realist art.

8. THE CITY OF SOPHISTICATED ENTERTAINMENTS: best luxury hotels, prestige venues, trendy restaurants, modern entertainment centers, glamour bars and night clubs;

9. THE CAPITAL OF THE RUSSIAN FUR AND FASHION: Valentin Yudashkin,  Sultanna Frantsuzova, Slava Zaitsev, Russian sable, ermine, etc

10. A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO TOUCH THE REAL RUSSIAN WINTER: Being one of the most northerly megalopolises of the world, Moscow still enjoys a moderate climate with warm summers and long, cold winters.




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