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St. Petersburg

"The splendid city on the Neva, created by the Tsar-carpenter, like a mighty ship sails through the waves of the history remaining the pride of Russia and a Joy of the World."

10 reasons to IN'JOY St. Petersburg:

1. THE CAPITAL OF RUSSIAN EMPIRE IN PAST & SO-CALLED CULTURAL CAPITAL OF EUROPE AT PRESENT: St. Petersburg is Russia's second largest city (with population of around 5 millions) was the capital of the Russian Empire for almost two hundred years embodying the pride and glory of the Russian state. The youngest capital in the world, built merely within two incomplete centuries on an area of marshy land that seemed perpetually wreathed in mist, became the symbol of a new era of Russian history and of grandiose, unprecedented ventures with its richest collection of culture and art of the most various epochs and styles.

2. CITY OF MAGIC & BEWITCHING BEAUTY:  the city that feels both like a revelation and an enigma. To those who open their hearts to it, dedicate to it their effort as well as talent, it gives moments of high spiritual elevation and prophetic insight, highlighting previously unknown facets of their personalities.

3. WELL-KNOWN „WHITE NIGHTS" AND THE UNKNOWN „WHITE DAYS": From the mysterious twilight of the "White Nights" with its "Stars of White Nights" festival to the world famous opera and ballet productions on magical winter "White Days", St. Petersburg charms and fascinates in every season.

4. THE ROYAL GRANDEUR: the city of the original and unique venues and palaces for the chic Gala dinners, top-level conferences and special parties or events.

5. CITY OF OPPORTUNITIES: the major center of business and political life, industry, research, culture and education. Within last 20 years the favorable investment climate is created in the northern capital, innovations are actively launched, new industries are raised, travel infrastructure expands. Every year the number of world chain hotels, gourmet and authentic restaurants and cafes, modern trades and exhibition complexes, entertainment and business centers are rapidly increasing. Life in our city is full of bright events. Annually St. Petersburg hosts large international forums, festivals, sport events of the highest level and has everything for prosperity and comfort of its citizens, tourists, business partners. Today the Palmyra of the North is enjoying the new stage of opportunities in the development of tourism and M.I.C.E activities. 


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